July 13, 2024
10 min read

Proposify vs QuoteWerks - Which is Best for Your Proposal Needs?

In this blog, we’ll explore & review in detail how Proposify, QuoteWerks & Cone compare in terms of features, pricing and other aspects to decide which is better for your proposal needs.
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Key Takeaways:

  • We examine Proposify vs. QuoteWerks in this article. Proposify is an option for companies looking to optimize their sales process because of its user-friendly proposal-generating tools and smooth integration possibilities.
  • QuoteWerks, on the other hand, sets itself apart with powerful pricing and quoting features designed for businesses that need accurate and personalized sales quotations.
  • We examine the unique qualities, benefits, and factors of Proposify and QuoteWerks. While each platform has advantages of its own, it is important to evaluate how well they operate together, how much they cost, and how well they fit into your sales process to choose the best one for your company.
  • When torn between Proposify and QuoteWerks, your unique business needs take center stage. If neither seems to fit the bill, consider Cone as a worthy contender, striking a harmonious balance between proposal creation and quoting capabilities.

Imagine: You’re moments away from clinching a pivotal deal when suddenly, your proposal software fails, throwing your efforts into disarray. It’s critical moments like these that highlight the need for dependable proposal and invoicing software. This is where Proposify and QuoteWerks come into play, offering robust solutions in the realm of proposal management.

According to research, 50% of businesses are interested in implementing AI technology within the next two years. This boost in efficiency not only streamlines operations but also significantly increases the chances of winning over clients. Given the high stakes, selecting the right software becomes a mission-critical decision.

Proposify is akin to an artist’s canvas, offering sleek, design-forward capabilities that empower businesses to craft proposals that are as visually engaging as they are customizable. QuoteWerks, in contrast, is like a trusty steed for quoting, renowned for its comprehensive pricing structures and solid features.

In this article, we’ll compare Proposify vs QuoteWerks vs Cone, dissecting their functionalities, advantages, and pricing strategies to furnish you with the insights needed for a well-informed choice. Additionally, we’ll shed light on alternatives like Cone, which presents a well-rounded mix of proposal generation and quoting features.

Proposify vs QuoteWerks: What Does Each One Do?

Proposify and QuoteWerks are two popular tools that dominate the business process optimization industry. Users can build proposals that are highly customized to their client's needs and visually appealing by using Proposify's proposal software. QuoteWerks, on the other hand, offers accurate and thorough pricing structures that take into account the complexity of various goods and services.

Proposify software excels in:

Amazing Design: Proposify is your friend when it comes to creating proposals that feel right and look great. It highlights personalization and design, allowing you to make a lasting impression on your customers.

Team-Collaboration: Proposify fosters teamwork by giving participants a venue to convene and produce proposals in a cohesive and efficient manner.

Data-Informed Choices: With the help of Proposify's extensive analytics and tracking tools, you can go beyond just creating proposals and learn the "why" behind their success.

Learn more about other alternatives to Proposify.

QuoteWerks software excels in:

Quoting Accurately: QuoteWerks can be your go-to tool for managing pricing complexity. It says that each estimate is precisely created to meet the particular requirements of each good or service.

Integration Made Simple: QuoteWerks easily integrates with accounting and CRM software thanks to its robust integration tools, streamlining your business's operations.

Increasing efficiency with automation: QuoteWerks automates the tedious parts of quoting since it values your time and helps you be more efficient while lowering the possibility of error.

Pro Tip: While exploring the capabilities of Proposify and QuoteWerks, it’s essential to consider how your proposal software integrates with broader client management strategies. For a deeper dive into nurturing client relationships, check out our article on strategies for building lasting relationships.

Proposify vs QuoteWerks: Breakdown, Features, Benefits, and More

What is Proposify?

Proposify is a cloud-based proposal management tool designed to streamline the planning, sending, tracking, and management of proposals for organizations. The proposal system was created to be simultaneously aesthetically pleasing and functional when it was first introduced in 2013. Proposify provides fully customizable templates, real-time collaboration, and rich analytics to offer sales teams the tools they need to close deals swiftly and profitably.

Proposify software can be useful for:

From the comfort of their mobile device, users of Proposify's cloud-based platform can effortlessly stay organized, produce faultless proposals, and impress clients with their work.

What Are Proposify’s Top Features?

Many features of the proposal creation platform Proposify facilitate the creation and administration of proposals.  Some of Proposify's greatest features include:

Customizable Templates: Proposify includes a selection of carefully designed templates that can be modified to match your business's style and identity, guaranteeing uniformity and efficiency in every proposal.

Real-Time Collaboration: Teams can collaborate on proposals in real-time, enabling prompt modifications and remarks. This feature makes sure that everyone in the team is capable of contributing successfully and has the same knowledge.

Detailed Analytics: Proposify's analytics feature, which monitors proposal performance, lets you see which sections are being seen the most and for how long. This aids in determining the interests of the client and enhances subsequent suggestions.

E-Signatures: Proposify enables clients to electronically sign proposals, accelerating business closure and the approval process. This feature is safe and enforceable by law.

Payment Integrations: You can take payments straight through the proposal because Proposify interfaces with a number of different payment gateways. Client convenience is increased and the payment procedure is streamlined as a result.

Key Features Worth Considering while evaluating Proposify vs. QuoteWerks

  • Customizable Templates
  • Real-Time Collaboration
  • Detailed Analytics
  • E-Signatures
  • Payment Integrations
  • Drag-and-Drop Editor
  • Content Library
  • Proposal Tracking

Pros of Proposify

When comparing Proposify vs QuoteWerks, Proposify has the following advantages.

Visual Proposal Creation: Proposify provides customizable choices for eye-catching presentations together with visually appealing proposal templates.

Time-saving Automation: By streamlining the entire proposal process and automating its creation and tracking, significant time is saved.

Collaborative Workspace: Team members may collaborate easily on proposals using Proposify's collaborative platform, which boosts productivity.

Engagement of the Client: Interactive proposals and e-signature features facilitate and expedite the approval process.

Custom Branding: To ensure a polished and unified presentation, Proposify users can brand proposals with logos, colors, and fonts.

Reporting and Analytics: Comprehensive reporting and analytics assist users fine-tune their tactics by offering insights about proposal performance.

Potential Pitfalls of Proposify Worth Noting

Cost Consideration: With a monthly plan starting at $49 for per user, Proposify's cost may be costly for small businesses. In that case, you can opt for softwares like Cone which is for only $8/month per user. You can also check out the best proposal software for small businesses to consider other options.

Learning Curve: A few users have stated that there is a learning curve associated with the flexibility of customization and platform's possibilities.
Restricted Integration possibilities: In comparison to other platforms, Proposify's integration possibilities may be restricted, despite the fact that it interfaces with well-known CRM and project management applications.

Template Flexibility: Although Proposify provides templates that can be customized, users may encounter restrictions regarding the flexibility and modification of the design.

Pricing of Proposify

A customizable price structure is provided by Proposify to meet the requirements of various sales teams, ranging from small startups to major corporations.

  • Proposify's Team Plan, which is billed quarterly or annually, begins at $49 per user per month for expanding sales teams.

For small or expanding sales teams that need a full feature set without the hassles of enterprise solutions, this plan is perfect.

  • Proposify offers a Business Plan with tailored pricing for larger sales teams and franchises.

This subscription, which includes premium support, Salesforce connection, and sophisticated features designed for intricate sales processes, is ideal for companies where more than ten employees draft and submit proposals.

Proposify pricing
Proposify pricing

Also Check Out: Better Proposals vs Proposify for more alternatives to consider.

What is QuoteWerks?


If we take Proposify vs QuoteWerks, QuoteWerks is an effective tool for quoting and proposals that was built with a view of automating the process of producing and keeping track of sales quotes. Since QuoteWerks first came out in 1993, a variety of CRM, accounting, and business systems have interfaced with it, making it a crucial resource for organizations demanding comprehensive and precise pricing and quoting capabilities. Sales teams may use it to monitor sales processes from start to finish, offer expert quotes fast, and successfully manage pricing strategies.

QuoteWerks software can be useful for:

  • Sales Teams
  • IT Providers
  • Manufacturers
  • Service Providers
  • VARs (Value Added Resellers)
  • Wholesale Distributors

With its comprehensive platform accessible from anywhere, QuoteWerks ensures seamless quote management, helps maintain pricing accuracy, and supports efficient sales operations.

What Are QuoteWerk’s Top Features?

Many tools that improve the sales quoting process are available in QuoteWerks, a quoting and proposal management software. The best features of QuoteWerks include the following:

Detailed Pricing Management: QuoteWerks is an excellent option for managing intricate pricing structures and guaranteeing precise and competitive pricing because of its sophisticated features, which include cost breaks down, bulk discounts, and bespoke product configurations.

CRM Integration: QuoteWerks makes it easy to link to the most popular CRM systems, enabling effective data transfer and management. This integration helps to keep a consistent and accurate database of client information.

Customization of Quotes: With the use of templates, branding choices, and rich text formatting, users may produce highly customized quotes. This guarantees that every quotation properly matches the branding of the business and the expectations of the client.

Automated Workflows: QuoteWerks automates a number of quoting process tasks, including electronic signature collecting, approval workflows, and quotation production. This shortens the sales cycle and eliminates manual labor.

Reports and Analytics: QuoteWerks provides robust reporting and analytics features, offering perspectives on sales performance, quotation conversion rates, and finances. This helps businesses enhance their sales approaches by allowing data-driven decision-making.

Key Features Worth Considering

  • Detailed Pricing Management
  • CRM Integration
  • Quote Customization
  • Automated Workflows
  • Reporting and Analytics
  • Electronic Signatures
  • Product Configurations
  • Volume Discounts

Pros of QuoteWerks

Let’s have a look at the pro’s of QuoteWerks in the comparison between Proposify vs QuoteWerks.

Effective Quoting: For streamlining quoting and applying templates to streamline the quotation process, QuoteWerks save time and effort.

Flexible Integration: Its free API allows it easy to connect with additional applications, thus improves efficiency as well as workflow.

Options for Customization: QuoteWerks provides a wide range of customization options for quotes, meeting a variety of business requirements and tastes.

Detailed price Structures: To ensure accuracy in quotes, users can design detailed price structures that include taxes, discounts, and other costs.

Strong Reporting: Capable reporting tools enable data-driven decision-making by offering insights into sales performance and quote indicators.

Client Collaboration: QuoteWerks makes it simple for clients to collaborate with you by letting them examine and approve quotes online, which speeds up the sales process.

Potential Pitfalls of QuoteWerks Worth Noting

Cost consideration: Small firms may find QuoteWerks pricing plans to be costly, which may have an effect on how much money they can set aside in their budget. In that case you can opt for softwares like Cone which starts at only $8/month per user.

Design Outdated: The tool sometimes crashes and has a somewhat outdated appearance.

Sync Issues: Unable to synchronize the earlier mentioned data with our CRM (Zoho) and business system (BusinessVision). When comparing Proposify vs QuoteWerks, QuoteWerks is not user-friendly.

Comment Confusing: This suggestion numbers the comment fields when they are added, making it appear a little odd.

Pricing of QuoteWerks

Tailored Strategies for Various Requirements:

Monthly Billing: QuoteWerks offers a monthly subscription plan, allowing users to pay on a month-to-month basis. The pricing for this option is as follows:

  • Standard Edition: $15.00 per user, per month
  • Professional Edition: $21.00 per user, per month.
  • Corporate Edition: $30.00 per user, per month.

Annual Billing: QuoteWerks provides a discounted cost that is basically one month free when compared to every month for customers who would rather make an annual commitment:

  • Standard Edition: $13.75 per user, per month (paid yearly).
  • Professional Edition: $19.25 per user, per month (paid yearly).
  • Corporate Edition: $27.50 per user, per month (paid yearly).

One-Time Purchase: Users may also opt for buying QuoteWerks licenses directly from the company; the cost will vary according to the edition and the quantity of licenses needed. Recurring payments are removed with this option, which also might offer volume pricing savings. It is advised to get in touch with QuoteWerks directly for accurate pricing on one-time orders as they offer customized prices.

QuoteWerks pricing

A Feature-by-Feature Comparison: Proposify vs QuoteWerks vs. Cone

Proposify vs QuoteWerks vs Cone
  QuoteWerks Proposify Cone
Serves Multiple Industries Yes Yes Yes
Pre-Built Templates No Yes Yes
Flexible Editor No Yes Yes
CPQ Yes Limited support Yes
Dynamic Pricing Table Quotes Yes Yes Yes
Automated Invoicing Limited support Yes Yes
Automated Billing Limited Support No Yes
Analytics and Reporting Yes Yes Yes, detailed reports
Native Accounting Software Integrations (Xero, QBO) No No Yes
Sales Pipeline Management No No Yes
Geo-specific payment options like GoCardless No No Yes
Pricing $15/user/mo (standard) $21/user/month (Professional) $30/user/month (Corporate) $49/user/month (Team Plan); Contact for Business Plan Essentials start at $8 or $11 /user/month. Growth plan starts at $11 or $15 /user/month

Proposify vs QuoteWerks vs Cone: Which Enhances Your Sales Process?

We have seen the comparison of Proposify vs QuoteWerks in which Proposify streamlines sales documents, enhances close rates with interactive proposals, and provides valuable insights into the sales cycle. QuoteWerks simplifies quote creation, integrates with CRMs, and offers robust features for efficient, error-free sales quoting processes.
It's critical to take into account how each platform can satisfy your unique objectives and close any holes in your present system when evaluating proposal software for your sales force.

If neither Proposify nor QuoteWerks seems to be the perfect fit, there’s an alternative Cone that might be more aligned with your requirements.

Cone is a standout complete solution that is comprehensive providing a one platform for all of your proposals, invoicing and payments in a single platform.

Cone distinguishes itself by offering a set of tools that, on a single platform, simplify every step of the sales process, from proposal development to payment collection. This lowers the expenses related to employing several different tools in addition to saving time.

What Are Cone’s Top Features?

Unified Platform: Cone consolidates proposal management, billing, and client interactions into one seamless experience, starting at just $8/month per user

Streamlined Sales: Eliminate the need for switching between tools with Cone’s integrated platform, enhancing efficiency and saving time.

Collaborative Proposals: Cone’s proposal editor and customizable templates make creating and collaborating on proposals a breeze. See for yourself example like a logo design proposal if it fits your needs.

Client Engagement: Cone's client portal enables you to engage with your clients immediately within the application, which accelerates the decision-making process.

Automated Follow-Ups: Cone's automated client communication removes the need for periodic follow-ups while also making sure nothing goes missing in the system.

E-Signature: Cone supports digital signatures, which promotes the proposal acceptance procedure and accelerates contract closing.

Selecting the Optimal Course of Action

Having the correct tools may make a big difference in your team's efficiency in the cutthroat world of sales, improve your relationships with clients, and ultimately help your organization succeed.

Choosing the appropriate proposal software can be a game-changer for sales teams.  It can transform the proposal process, making it more efficient and effective. By fully exploring the capabilities of each option during a trial period, you can ensure that the software you choose meets all your needs.

Cone, with its all-encompassing features, promises to fulfill all your proposal and sales management requirements within a single, intuitive platform. It offers a level of automation and integration that simplifies the sales cycle from start to finish. Experience the difference with Cone and take the first step towards a more streamlined sales process. Sign up right away to figure out how Cone can change the operations of your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Proposify used for?

Proposify is a robust proposal management solution designed to help organizations streamline their sales processes. It assists in developing, sending, and tracking proposals, ensuring a more efficient and professional approach to winning business deals and closing sales.

  1. How does QuoteWerks work?

QuoteWerks enhances sales operations by providing a platform for creating detailed quotations and estimates. It integrates seamlessly with various CRM and accounting programs, allowing for smooth data flow and making the sales process more efficient and organized.

  1. Is Proposify suitable for small businesses?

Yes, Proposify is well-suited for small businesses. It offers a scalable solution with a Team Plan specifically designed for smaller teams. This plan includes unlimited documents and standard integrations, supporting small businesses as they grow and streamline their proposal processes.

  1. Can I integrate QuoteWerks with other software?

Absolutely, QuoteWerks has a strong integrative component. It may be integrated with various CRM/PSA and accounting systems, allowing for efficient data transfer. This integration provides that all relevant data is easily accessible and updated while expediting sales procedures.

  1. Does Proposify offer a free trial?

Yes, Proposify comes with a free 14-day trial during which users can benefit from all functions without submitting payment card details. Before choosing to pay for it, companies can use this trial period to thoroughly examine the application's features and make sure it suits their needs.

  1. What sort of customer service is offered by QuoteWerks?

QuoteWerks provides broad customer service, including free pre-sale assistance, email support, and technical support through the phone. Their in-house support staff is made up of experienced solution individuals that are committed to assisting clients in resolving any problems and getting the most out of their software usage.

  1. Are there any Proposify training materials available?

Yes, Proposify includes a variety of educational materials. They provide free training sessions and webinars to support users in understanding how to utilize the program efficiently. The "101 Training Webinar," which goes over the essentials of utilizing Proposify, is one such resource.

  1. To what extent is QuoteWerk’s data secure?

QuoteWerks ensures data security through administrative controls that determine who can view, edit, and delete quotes. These security settings are managed and enforced centrally, even for remote installations, ensuring consistent and robust data protection across the platform.